Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Call to Arms

My wife and a friend of ours had some good discussions last week, which resulted in two distinct events.

The first was the prayer time that they called us to. We sat in our kitchen and cried over the marriage losses we have seen and the ones looming on the horizon. We prayed for new marriages and the difficulties that they will face.

The second was later that night as my wife shared a vision, a desire of the heart. She envisioned men dressed in battle uniform standing in a circle as a hedge of protection around the congregation, covering the house, and in unison dropping to their knees in prayer.

Our friend has for years encouraged many men, including me to step up, to take the role as leaders. Why are we so reluctant? Why do we hesitate?

My wife’s vision has touched my heart. Our Friend’s prodding and encouragement have touched my heart. Although I can see the skit and have written some lines as to how this could play out, I see the need and the desire for so much more than a skit. I see it as a call to arms. I see it as a call for men to step up and take their rightful place. The question is…. will they?

Are there men who will truly take an active role in praying, in counseling, in encouraging? Are their men who will stand up as a symbol of their resolve, as a symbol of their faith?
We are in a battle; we can ignore it and sit it out on the sidelines (and the enemy is willing to let us do just that,) while family after family fall apart, while depression, unemployment and even suicide prevail. I’m already tired. Tired of seeing people I care about leaving our church and them never knowing what they meant to me. Tired of marriages failing because they see it as a contract and not a covenant. I can’t stand the thought of us raising our children in the church and them walking away from it later in life. I’m tired of loosing.

The Course of Men

This writing actually came to me as I was driving to work one morning. I guess I had been thinking about my role as a man and as a husband and what I feel is required of me.

I later added a picture and had this framed and presented it to a couple of men who I thought embodied the intent and spirit of what God intends for us. This still hangs in our house and in my office as a personal reminder to me.

The Course of Men

This task of leadership, bestowed upon us as men is indeed a gift and design of God. Were we not created in the image of God Himself? Did he not design a man to take stewardship over the earth and all that it encompasses?

Why then, do we live in such a time where men are not heard? A time where men are portrayed as the fool? Have we so easily given up our heritage as leaders, providers, protectors and spiritual mentors? Have we relaxed our sails and let go of our resolve to seek God and to be the head of our families. Have we pulled up anchor, let go of the wheel and given to letting the wind set our course.

Holding a steady course is no easy task when the wind howls and the waves crash against us. Standing at the helm and steering clear of danger takes perseverance, courage and strength of character. Character that is developed and strengthened by other men. Men who have gone before, men who have sailed the course and know the way.

Let us continue to seek out these men as mentors and to seek God as our bearing, our compass. Let us have the courage to stand strong and steady when the wind blows and the rain pelts our hands and faces. Let us persevere as men and leaders. Let us follow the course laid out before us. The course that God designed.The course of men.